Saturday, April 23, 2011

Simple baby booties - Crochet Me

Simple baby booties - Crochet Me

Crochet Therapy

Creating my thoughts into some type of medium of art is my way of making room in my head! I am still searching for answers to why my mind is so filled with ideas, colors, drawings, words and music. My Grandma used to tell me that all the past artists are using "us" (she was an artist as well) to continue their work. At times I feel it's a curse, because if I do not get my thoughts on paper and out of my mind I cannot organize my thoughts and the design or idea continues to nag at me until it is out. Or when I do focus on the design or idea, obsession of that creation begins.

On a positive note of my creation obsessions I am able to make others happy. Life's too short and I love to make others smile or create a warmth in them that would cause them to "Pay it forward". :)

My new craft obsession is crocheting.....thank God for Grandma, she always encouraged a creative outlet for my "hyperness". Working my mind through my hands forced me to focus and slow down. I really don't remember what age I was when she introduced me to knitting and crocheting. I just remember that my Barbie's always had really cool clothes that we designed together. :) I honestly prefer crocheting over knitting, but I do miss the sound of the knitting needles clicking when my Grandma was knitting in her chair. That's a great memory I like to think about when I miss her. :)

I have started crocheting's amazing how it all comes back to you, just like riding a bike. This time, I have researched and studied techniques thanks to You Tube and a few of the free pattern sites and blogs that post great tutorials. Crocheting is my new therapy! When your mind has a hard time resting, I found structured crochet patterns and focusing on rows and numbers of stitches organizes my thoughts and at the end I have created a lovable item.

"Crochet Therapy" that is what I call my new obsession. All in one I can relieve stress, get my mind to focus and slow down and I'm happy when I finish my project "secession". I just don't have to pay a therapist for the same result.

I love the look on my daughter's face when I finish something she has asked for or dreamed up. The only hang up for her is that it takes a bit longer for me to finish her request. She's used to me drawing or painting her something quickly. :)

Soon, I will be teaching her the craft of crocheting. I believe very strongly, that every child should be given projects that will exercise the right hand side of their brain. Our children are Our Future. I really think that phrase has become placent in society. If we do not nurture their creativity we will not prosper in the future. They need to exercise their brain to create and invent!

I am also hoping to be able to become savvy enough to make my drawings into crochet patterns. Let's see what I can come up with!

If you enjoy crocheting and would like to share your work, please share! I would like to build this blog as a craft information site and gallery of finished projects. :)